Rent a Car with Winter Tires | Budget Car Rental
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Budget Car Rentals with Winter Tires Fleet

If you’re planning a trip in the winter months, choose a car rental with winter tires. Designed specifically for cold and wet weather, rental cars with snow tires have added traction and grip that make them safer to drive in the winter. These special tires make a remarkable difference in your winter driving experience, especially if you’re travelling in a new city. You’ll be well-equipped to handle any type of weather and have the confidence you need to navigate any snow-covered roads. Keep reading to learn about our rental cars with snow tires. Availability is limited, but additional models may be equipped with winter tires at select locations.

  • Hyundai Elantra with Winter Tires

    Head out in a Hyundai Elantra with winter tires when you need both comfort and security during your trip. Enjoy traction on the road and warmth in the cabin.

    Hyundai Elantra with Winter Tires


Vehicle make, model, trim, features and colour are not guaranteed and are subject to location and availability. Vehicles listed for this car group are subject to change at anytime. Vehicle features are subject to change based on the vehicle model year.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do car rentals have winter tires?

Yes, you’ll find reliable car rentals with winter tires at Budget. Whether you’re driving the Hyundai Elantra with winter tires or a similarly equipped rental, you’ll have the confidence to easily handle any type of winter weather while on the road.

How do I rent a car with winter tires?

Head to the top of the page to get started with your car rental with winter tires. Once you enter your desired pickup location and date, you’ll be able to book your vehicle. Availability is dependent upon location, so get started today!

Reasons to Rent a Car with Winter Tires

Driving on snowy or icy roads can be nerve-racking, especially if you’re used to driving in a warmer climate. Put your mind at ease and choose to rent a car with snow tires from Budget. There are many benefits to choosing this type of vehicle. Whether you’re planning a ski trip or just sticking around, here are just a few reasons you may want a car with snow tires:

  • Feel confident in any winter weather
  • Take your vehicle anywhere
  • Peace of mind on the road
  • Enjoy a comfortable interior

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