Best Things to Do in Toronto | Budget Car Rental

Best Things to Do in Toronto

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Things to Do in Toronto

Toronto has a whole host of activities for any type of personality. Learn about educational museums, unique parks, and more with our guide on things to do in Toronto.

Royal Ontario Museum

This massive museum features sections on art, world culture, and natural history. There’s truly something for everyone. As one of the largest museums in North America, the Royal Ontario Museum is the most visited museum in Canada and could easily take up to a entire day of exploration.

Toronto Islands

Take a break from the bustling city on these slower-paced islands just off the south mainland of the city. This chain of islands is home to parks, beaches, yacht clubs, and Centerville Amusement Park, among many other Toronto attractions.

Distillery District

The pedestrian-only nature of this Toronto neighborhood makes it an excellent place for an evening stroll, lunch date, or late-night dance spot. Whether it’s the unique cobblestone streets or the amazing restaurant scene, you’ll be sure to find the Distillery District charming.

Outdoor Adventures

Once you’ve seen all there is to see in the city, you’ll benefit from getting a taste of Toronto’s outdoors. Learn more about some of the popular attractions of nature from our list of highlights.

Humber River Recreational Trail

The Humber River makes for great scenery no matter your mode of transportation, but in-line skating or biking is one of the most memorable ways to go about it. Rent gear from a local outdoor shop and enjoy the multi-use trail as it winds north to Thackeray Park.

Woodbine Beach

One of the four largest beaches in Toronto, this long stretch of sand along Lake Shore Boulevard is a perfect spot to unwind with friends and family. Try surfing, kayaking, or just taking in the sound of the waves from the shore.


If you’re really looking for a unique experience, check out the underground caves of Niagara Escarpment. This outdoor adventure may not be for the particularly claustrophobic, as the caves are full of tight crevices and cramped quarters. But if you’re ready to brave the underworld, you’ll be rewarded with magnificent and mysterious beauty.

There’s much to see and do in Toronto. Don’t spend your time worrying about public transportation or expensive rental options. Allow Budget Car Rental Toronto to get you on your way with a cheap car rental option so you can enjoy your vacation.