Long-Term or Monthly Car Rental in Toronto | Budget Car Rental

Monthly Car Rental Toronto

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Reserve a Long-Term Car Rental in Toronto

Toronto, ON, a global city— is a business center, home to worldwide corporations, and a multicultural arts hub, with art museums and theaters aplenty. There are any number of reasons to stay here for a month or more, including extended family vacations, temporary employment, or business collaborations. Your best bet for comfortable and affordable long-term transportation is a monthly car rental. At Budget, we make monthly car rental simple by offering cheap long-term car rental rates with no long-term commitment. Rent your vehicle anywhere from 1 to 11 months at a time. If you need to switch cars at any time for any reason, no problem—we offer vehicle swapping for your convenience. We know you’ll love Toronto and our long-term car rental rates can be the cherry on top.

Toronto Budget Car Rental Locations

Why You Might Need Monthly Rental

Whether you’re a Toronto local or an international visitor, there are any number of reasons why a monthly car rental would be a great option for you.

  • Emergency car replacement: If your car is no longer driveable because of an accident or just wear and tear, a long-term car rental will get you where you need to go while you get your car fixed or look for a new one.

  • Temporary vehicle: Perhaps you’re in need of a new vehicle, but don’t want to buy or pay for a lease right now. A cheap long-term car rental can be an affordable lease alternative.

  • Vacation: Are you taking an extended vacation with friends or family? Save money on transportation with a month to month car rental.

  • Seasonal work: If you’re in town temporarily to work and didn’t bring your car, you still need to get around. A monthly rental will help you out.

  • International travel: Welcome, visitors! If you’ll be in town for a month or more job hunting, vacationing, or settling in to college life, choose a long-term car rental.